Trashy Lady is a period piece set against the backdrop of the roaring 1920’s Chicago underworld, during the days of prohibition, well-dressed gangsters and tommy-guns. Harry Reems plays mobster, Dutch Siegel, who has just been dumped by his filthy mouthed girlfriend, Cara Lott. Shortly after, he falls for the new cigarette girl, Ginger Lynn, whom he meets at his posh club. Dutch wants Kitty as his dame, but a problem exists – she’s too classy for him. Kitty is a lady and Dutch likes his dames trashy. He employs a local whore, Rita, played by Amber Lynn, to teach Kitty the ‘right’ ways to act. His problems are compounded when another local mobster, Big Louie decides to take revenge against Dutch because he believes that he’s been sleeping with his girl, sparking a small gang war.(本剧情介绍由策驰影院_策驰影视_免费电影网_最新电视剧_电影大全免费观看喜欢看伦理视频的小编天天编辑,更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影或剧情网等平台了解)